Short Stories


Friday, December 30, 2016

My Favorite Projects from 2016

2016 was a  busy year!
These are my bigger projects from 2016, which are also my favorite.

Check out my favorite projects from 2015.

I started a second podcast, and that became a dedicated Netflix site. That's been taking up a LOT of time which is why I didn't have as many projects as I would have liked this year. That site is a constant project.

My Movie Reviews Are Moving!
I created a dedicated movie review site in January, as I want this site to be projects, not movies. I retooled the site in October with the goal of making it a site I personally would use and visit even if I wasn't running it. I accomplished that by focusing on Netflix. Now if I can just find some time to make WardWorks a site I'd use =)

Plastic Vacuum Former
My vacuum former was the big project on the year. It has a 18x24 bed, is over 6' tall, made from steel and wood, and combined plumbing and electrical, resulting in tripping the circuit breaker a few times as I dialed it in.
After i finished that I did a weekend build of a mini vacuum former.

Build a Mini-Vacuum Former
I built this in a weekend using a toaster oven and a shop vac. It's great for small parts.

Lumber Storage Cart
Modular Storage Cart
I built two storage carts that helped get my shop in order. They are on wheels and help to organize and provide a hard limit for how much stuff I keep.
The lumber cart provides sheet storage while the modular cart has specific storage for paint cans and drawers on a french cleat system.

Build a Batting Cage
And I finally finished a dream I've had for years, I now having a batting/sports cage

AHS Twisty the Clown Costume
Halloween was a reduced effort (I didn't start in July this year), but I still had fun with making a scary clown.

Projects on the horizon for 2017 are tearing down and building a new exterior deck, painting my truck (I did the $100 job which was great, but I'd like a fancier color and want to experiment with actually spraying it.)

Some longer range goals are finally building a fallout 10mm prop and I'd love to build a CNC router.

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