Short Stories


Monday, June 9, 2014

It's the Map, It's the Map, It's the Treasure Map

Who doesn't want an ancient looking map? Here is how to make your very own treasure map.
The finished map.

What really makes the map, is the texture work.  I started with outlines
Just the outlines.
Add a little bit of color.
The colors are transparent so the final product looks faded. An artistic filter was applied to the outlines, but a satin layer style may have been better. I should have varied the line weight.

Below are the textures I added, rearrange the layer order to get your desired result. Also, vary the transparency.
 I also printed just the textures, without the outlines and color, on a sheet so that the map would have a front and back. Two sheets glued back to back really make it feel more authentic. I used 3m spray glue to attach.

The final step is burning the edges of the map. This provides a worn appearance. It looks straight out Edward Teach's hands.

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