Short Stories


Monday, June 23, 2014

Importing Into Lightworks Via Handbrake

This is a quick work flow of how I transcode my video to prepare it for Lightworks. See my introduction post on Lightworks coming on Wednesday.

If your camera or phone outputs interlaced video, you will want to run it through Handbrake to de-interlace the video and optimize it for Lightworks. This also includes options to set the frame rate.
Interlacing is done to double the perceived frame rate by imposing two fields of the video onto the same frame. The issue with interlaced frames is that quick movements can look blurred or fuzzy. De-itnerlacing solves the issue.

Once Handbrake is running, click the Source button and select the video file you need to prepare for Lightworks.

Click the source button to locate your video file.

Once your video file is open in Handbrake, select the Video Filters tab. If your video is interlaced, you want to set Deinterlace  to fast. If you open Lightworks, and click the import button, you can check to see if you video file is interlaced. Lightworks will list it as 1080/480i or 1080/480p, etc. You could also use a program like Mediainfo which will display all relevant information about your video file.

On the Video tab, set the Video Codec to MPEG-4 (FFmpeg). This is the best codec for Lightworks.
You can change the Framerate to 24 fps or 30 fps, 24 frames is a movie standard and 30 is a television standard. I typically use 24.

 With multiple videos, you can create a queue. Click Source, load the initial file and then click Add to Queue for each video. You have to click Source each time to load the file into Handbrake, and Add to Queue each time to add it to your queue.

The destination field just below the source information is where the transcoded video will be placed.

 If you just have one video, click Start. If you have multiple videos, load them all, then click Encode in the queue window.

A percentage will display in the bottom left corner to indicate the progress of the current video. Once all files are transcoded, your video file(s) should now be optimized for import into Lightworks.

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