Short Stories


Monday, October 28, 2013

Scratch-built Medieval Helmet Complete

The helmet is now finished- paint and everything. If you missed Part 1.

The finished helmet. It's been through a battle or two.

This is the progress on the helmet from last time.
This is where we started.

Since last time, I added the top plate to the helmet.  I cut it larger than needed, so that I could have attachment tabs. I heated the tabs and folded them back. Every other tab I folded farther so that they could sit flush due to overlap. You'll see when you do it.  Once completed, I used heat and a flat surface to round the corners so that it would fit the helmet. I heated and tested until it fit.

Once it fit, I taped it in place to hold it and then super-glued the tabs.

At this point, I re-cut the face shield as one side was not symmetrical to the other.  Then, I cut the crosses in the face shield. I used a drill to achieve rounded ends and then a hobby knife to cut the rest of the cross. I experience a bit of drill walk. It would be best to use a punch to counter-act that.

Next I drilled holes for the brads, spacing them equal distance. I did not glue the brads in place.

Then back bottom portion of the helmet was added, with tabs for assembly.

I used a wood burner for damage and scratches.

After this I sprayed a silver base.
Fresh paint. You can see the scratches I added.

Once that was dry I placed mustard (yes, you read that right) in spots to simulate paint peeling.  Place the mustard where you want a peeling paint effect.I applied mustard over scratches, on rivets, and at edges as that is the most likely place for paint to begin peeling

Yes, my helmet is covered in mustard.

I then sprayed my color coat. It's fine to spray while the mustard is still wet.
The shoulder guards after being sprayed.

Once the paint had cured (one hour in my case), I rubbed the mustard (and paint with it) off.
 I now have a worn and damaged helmet and shoulder guards.
I cut a template and stenciled in the cross on the shoulder guards, only painting the white where there was red. I'm really happy with how they came out as they match the in game inspiration rather well.

 I mixed a bit of black acrylic with water in a spray bottle and washed the items.  This creates a nice dirt effect. I've never done weathering, so this was a learning process. I wiped away some excess and ended up with items that looked aged and well-used.

I added a few layers brown to the helmet with a towel- wiping it on then wiping it off with a clean portion so that the effect was faint streaks.  I then added a mist of black, gray, and beige to the helmet. This provides a slightly mottled appearance.

I'm really happy with the end result. And to think, I started with a 'for sale' sign.

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