Short Stories


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Medieval Helmet from a For Sale Sign

Just as the title reads. I took a plastic 'For Sale' sign and crafted it into a medieval helmet. My basis of design is a Templar Knight helmet from Assassin's Creed. See PART 2 for the conclusion.

Good execution calls for a good plan.
This is the start. A for sale sign from a home improvement store.
The paper pattern.

The 'For Sale' sign is 18"x24". This is the thicker sign. Just about 1/16" thick.
I cut the plan out of paper to test fit. The top of the dome angles in slightly. I did not attempt to recreate this with the plastic, as there is no way to make it look good with what I have on hand.

A hobby knife cuts through the plastic with ease. Don't forget a cutting mat. Super glue bonds the plastic. A heat gun helps shape the plastic. You really need something to form the plastic, if you want a particular shape. Otherwise it will just droop. I used a paint bucket, paint can, and the edge of a table.

 I formed the headband out of EVA foam and hot glue.
Most of the pieces cut and ready.
 The face mask was cut taller than needed to provide a tab to glue the pieces together.

The vertical strip has a slight 'V' shape. It is 1.5" wide. This was formed with a heat gun and the edge of the work bench. Super glue bonds it to the rest of the helm, while covering the plastic joint.  I made sure that there was a gap between the vertical strip and mask so that the horizontal banding could fit behind for a clean edge. The horizontal banding is 1" wide.
It's starting to look like a helmet.
A bit of heat forming started getting the right shape.  Forming the plastic is a bit tricky. Being a battle worn helm helps as it's difficult to maintain perfectly straight shapes when heating the plastic. I also added a 1" vertical strip on the back seam.

 I attached the head band to the helmet.  I cut the top flat portion out of cardboard to determine the best shape before cutting plastic. The top portion helps maintain the shape.

I left tabs on the plastic to glue to the helmet. The top banding will help with any gaps.


I will create small holes to insert the brads, spaced equal distance. This makes the helmet look like it is riveted.  I also will cut small 3/16" strips to fit the outside edges of the 1" banding to better match my inspiration.

I may caulk a few of the joints. After that will be paint. I've never done any paint weathering, so that will be a fun learning experience. Stay tuned!

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