Short Stories


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mantle Progress: The Vision has Manifested

A lot of progress has happened in a week. It actually looks like a mantle now.  I'll let the picture speak for itself.

I still need to build a box between the horizontal paneled box and mantle, as well as add crown molding to that.

After that I will finish and paint all pieces.  Then I schedule an appointment with the stone/granite supplier and pick out a hearth.  Once that's in place I can mount the mantle.

This is the current progress.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Filming My Next Video While Getting Spotted by the Cops

I stumbled upon this very well done video; White with Red- based on a creepypasta post.

Which led me to this video; 2AM- A short film based on 'The Smiling Man' by Blue Tidal

There is a community, creeppasta, that posts horror stories and various groups create videos from the stories.

I knew I had to make a video with a smiling man after watching 2AM.  I wanted to make mine more of a roller coaster ride, start slow, begin the climb, hit the peak, then down you go to what you think is safety and then have the bottom drop out.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Fireplace Mantle

I have resumed work on my fireplace mantle.  I had a nine month hiatus after an ER trip which was a result of working on it before.  This time there were no emergencies!

This is the end goal.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Very Special Christmas Special Progress

So, in a weeks time, I've written a full draft for the hour long Christmas skit. The skit will span four Sundays in December.
We have to wrap it up in three weeks to allow for practices and set building to begin.

Fortunately, I have the set design done, with a few details to work out. We are planning to change the set from week to week- revising furniture and paint each week. We'd like to change the set during one of the skits. I think I've got an idea for that.

This really doesn't convey just how much detail is in this set.

You can tell the dividing and end walls are cut.
The seating wraps all the way to the back stage wall.
 The church already had a CAD plan of their stage, so I was able to design to exact specifications. Though you don't see in in the model, I've designed framing and structural components into the set.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Paid Writing Gig: A Christmas Production

I was recently asked to assist in writing and designing a Christmas production for a local church.  It's a great opportunity that would put my work in front of around five-thousand people. And it would be my first paid writing gig.

I'm an assistant writer with free reign over graphics and set design. Since my fellow collaborator attends the church, he's  head writer as he wants final approval on the draft.  Something about my writing and his reputation at the church. I'm all too happy not to have to censor my writing.

As of now, it's titled "A Very Special Christmas Special". Corny? Yes.
Here is the logo I drew up. I have to admit, I'm quite pleased with the design. The snow is my favorite part.

As exciting as the writing aspect is, I might be more excited for the set design. The church has a significant budget for the set, a luxury I've yet to ever have when building a set. I'll get to build (and/or help build) a professional level set.

Expect to see this topic on my blog a few times this fall as graphic and building  progress occurs. I won't bore you with writing updates. (All of my blog posts contain at least one image if you haven't noticed. I'm providing for those of you who don't like to read.)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Patio Design

Recently having designed a patio, I began thinking about my own (lack of) patio. So of course I had to design my own patio. This is the result.

I knew  I wanted a landing from the porch with two steps down to the patio.

I wanted the stairs to the ground to line up with the edge of the patio. After trail and error, I managed to get the levels to match as intended.

Of course, my wife had to add benches and a fire pit. Eventually I relented.

So this is now my fall project.  Like I didn't have enough to do =).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Patio & Bathroom Design

The task, design a patio and decorate a bathroom.

Patio Design
The current patio area contained a tall set of stairs without a landing. The goal was to have a patio that would house a grille and a landing to allow access to a clothes line. As you see, the design grew in size significantly.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Google Sketchup 3d Warehouse Contributions

I have uploaded a number of models to Google's 3d Warehouse.

The warehouse is place users can upload their personal models to share with the world.  I started uploading some of the models I used, then forgot about it... until now.

The most downloaded and viewed models were the handicap accessible grab bar models.

It's rewarding to think people are using something I created.

I was always disappointed the Ghostbuster's Firehouse didn't get more downloads. I suppose there is no accounting for taste.

Below are my uploads. 

Ghostbuster's Firehouse

The exact vanity I built for my bathroom.

A fireplace.

ADA toilet grab bars.

ADA shower grab bars and seat.

Mop sink.

Paper Towel Dispenser

ADA Sink Cabinet.

Soap dispenser.