Short Stories


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Paid Writing Gig: A Christmas Production

I was recently asked to assist in writing and designing a Christmas production for a local church.  It's a great opportunity that would put my work in front of around five-thousand people. And it would be my first paid writing gig.

I'm an assistant writer with free reign over graphics and set design. Since my fellow collaborator attends the church, he's  head writer as he wants final approval on the draft.  Something about my writing and his reputation at the church. I'm all too happy not to have to censor my writing.

As of now, it's titled "A Very Special Christmas Special". Corny? Yes.
Here is the logo I drew up. I have to admit, I'm quite pleased with the design. The snow is my favorite part.

As exciting as the writing aspect is, I might be more excited for the set design. The church has a significant budget for the set, a luxury I've yet to ever have when building a set. I'll get to build (and/or help build) a professional level set.

Expect to see this topic on my blog a few times this fall as graphic and building  progress occurs. I won't bore you with writing updates. (All of my blog posts contain at least one image if you haven't noticed. I'm providing for those of you who don't like to read.)

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