Short Stories


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Patio & Bathroom Design

The task, design a patio and decorate a bathroom.

Patio Design
The current patio area contained a tall set of stairs without a landing. The goal was to have a patio that would house a grille and a landing to allow access to a clothes line. As you see, the design grew in size significantly.

I field measured the area to obtain all necessary dimensions. Then I began designing in Google Sketchup.

The patio was designed as brick to match the house with joists and a concrete slab on metal deck under a slate floor.

A wooden handrail finishes the patio and matches the hand rail on the other side of the house.

The stairs were designed with a 6" riser and 12" tread.  The existing stairs had an 8" riser, which may not seem like much, but makes a big difference when you're climbing.

Bathroom Design
This was more a visual project than anything else.  No major renovation is occurring, just refinishing all surfaces. The room was measured and drawn and then different materials applied through Sketchup.  Sample tile and paint images were pulled directly from supplier images and implemented in the model.

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