Short Stories


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

NaNoWriMo - Write a Novel in November

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a challenge to write 50,000 words during November.
Be adventurous and write. Even if you just write a short story, that may be something you've never done and that makes you a winner (kind of)!
NaNoWriMo is coming!
I participated in 2009 and 2013. I'm going to attempt it again this year, but am not going to hold myself strictly to the challenge. If I don't finish, that's okay.
I have a lot to catch up on after diverting all of my attention to Halloween, and I have a lot of projects I need to start. We'll see how writing goes.

The challenge broadly, is to write a novel, 50,000 words, 175 pages. The prize is satisfaction. You can be someone who has written a novel instead of someone who has talked about it.
You don't have to be a writer or even good. Even though I've never gone back to what I've written for these challenges, I know the novels I've written aren't any good. The point of the challenge is to push you to do something insurmountable. Writing 50k words, 2k a day seems crazy, but it's possible. In 2013 I did 2600 words a day and finish in three weeks. Just write, write anything, but write.

Plenty of people talk about writing a novel, be somebody that actually does it. I've completed two challenges and hitting 50,000 words is a mix of relief and elation. It is an incredible achievement and a journey everyone needs to experience at least once.

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