Short Stories


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Shop Tip for Small Spaces

What do you do when you keep obtaining equipment, but your shop stays the same size?
Replace sliders on equipment with casters
My shop keeps getting smaller by way of equipment. When I first got a garage dedicated as a shop, I had plenty of space. After a few years of growing my collection of tools, equipment, and supplies, I had to figure out how to fit more stuff in the same space.

My solution to lack of space is to make equipment mobile. I added casters to my lathe and band saw. And when I finally make my vacuum former, that will have casters too.

Casters allow me to store equipment in a compact space and set it up easily with clear work space when needed.
Replace sliders on equipment with casters
The next area of my shop I will make more efficient is the wood pile. I'm going to build a mobile wood cart and keep material lengths to a maximum of four feet. This is going to free up space and help the pile from becoming a catch all (Like it is now, though it used to be much worse!).

The plans for the future wood cart are from Woodworking for Mere Mortals.

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