Short Stories


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sharing Google Docs Tutorial

I will cover how to collaborate within a Google spreadsheet. We will cover how to grant permissions, what permissions to grant, and how to make comments.

To collaborate within a Google document, spreadsheet, etc, you need a Google account.
Once you access Google Drive you create a new document or spreadsheet. Sharing and comments work the same for either.

If you want to collaborate and skip setup, scroll down to the seventh image.
Collaborating in Google Docs
The starting screen for a Google spreadsheet.
Click the Share button in the top right corner to bring  up Share Settings.
Google Docs share settings
Set the document access.
 You need to change access so that anyone or just certain people can access the document.

Determine who can see the document.
If you are working with people that have Google accounts, pick the Specific People option, but they need to have a Google account. This option is the most secure.
If you are working with non-Google users, Anyone with the link is the best option.
If you want anyone to have access, make the link public.

Next set access.
Determine what the people can do in the document.
You can let anyone edit the document. If you allow them to comment, they can comment and the owner of the document will have to incorporate comments. You may want others to only view the document
Do you want others to grant access?
The last step in setup is restricting access to changing visibility.

If you are just collaborating and want to skip setup, start here. This document is setup for collaborators to comment only. They cannot directly edit the document.
 Select the cell or words upon which you wish to comment.
Select the cell/words that need a comment.
Once selected, click Comment at the top right.
This brings up the comments window. It's empty due to no posted comments. Click the Comment button under the blue Share icon.
Post your comment.
The cell is highlighted yellow and a dialog box to type your comment opens. Post your comment in the dialog box. The yellow highlighted cell is what you are commenting on. Your comments will not show up on the document.
Post your comment.
Once you have typed your comment, be sure to click the blue Comment button beneath the typed text.
Your comment does not show up directly in the document.
The yellow/orange triangle on the cell indicates an open comment, as does the number on the tab at the bottom of the screen.
Click Comments at the top right to access all comments.
Clicking the Comments button at the top right, next to the blue share button opens all comments.
You can then Reply to the comment and/or Resolve it. Resolving it removes the indicators on the page marking the comment.

Reply to the comment.

Re-open the comment.
Once resolved, you can still Re-open the comment for additional discussion.

The Comments dialog box keeps track of all comments and replies, even if the comment is resolved.

Reply or resolve.
Clicking Notifications in the Comments dialog lets you set email alerts.

Since I am the author of this document, I am notified when any comment is added to the document.

You will need to access the comments dialog box manually each time you enter the document.

Comments are resolved, and there are no indicators on the tabs at the bottom.
With this method, you can generate comments from your collaborators and update the document accordingly. You can discuss each comment as well.

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