Short Stories


Monday, December 30, 2013

Diorama for Dinosaurs Part 1

Christmas was last week, and while I had hoped to finish building a modular dinosaur diorama, a virus kept me from my deadline.

I've been wanting to build a diorama for years, but have always found more pressing projects. This project may be as much for me as anyone else.

I knew I wanted something big with lots of features, but at the same time it needs to be portable. That transitioned to a tiled diorama. I considered squares, but that did not provide enough customization. A hexagon was it. I decided magnets would be used to hold it together. I didn't want the tiles slipping apart.

This is where we will end today's post.

Did I mention this is for a two year old? I'm not sure how well construction will hold up to the rigors of a two year old, but I will found out in a week!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Graphic Design: Directory Cover

I was asked to design a church directory cover.

On my quest to design an awesome directory cover, I settled upon an art deco inspired style.  It's classy, evokes that sophisticated, upon the edge of greatness feel, and I like it. Here is the final image.

 I also went with an interior image, bucking the trend of a steeple image on the front. I did this for a couple of reasons- a steeple is typical and what you would expect.  Second, the church had just renovated the sanctuary, so it made sense to show it off.

The finished cover, less text.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reclaimed Wood Nativity Sign

Here is how to make a rustic wood Nativity sign.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Free Christmas Card & Wallpaper Downloads

Free designs by WardWorks.

I decided to polish my photoshop skills, and being December, I chose a Christmas card theme.

These are the results, and I will let you reap the benefits. I only ask that if you choose to download an image, either for your Christmas card or as a wallpaper, shoot me a message and let me know which one you chose.

All cards have a text greeting, not all of the desktop images do.
The cards are sized for 5"x7" and are ready to print.
The desktop images are sized for standard screen 1280x1024 and wide screen 1920x1080.



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Novel Complete

I finished the novel in just three weeks during November, averaging  2,600 words a day. The title I finally chose is "The Cost of Living."

I started with only a premise- the protagonist dealing with the repercussions of accidentally killing someone.

 I didn't have an outline or a guide, and the novel took unexpected twists I hadn't anticipated as the characters developed. I had thought the last half might turn into a mystery/detective story, but it never materialized. I wondered whether the protagonist would get away with it or have to assume responsibility. It wasn't until the very end, but I finally figured it out. Many decisions weren't decided by me per se, but by the characters I had developed which was a fun way to generate content.

There were two times I thought I might not finish as I reached a block, but luckily I overcame.

The novel challenge was much easier this year than my first year challenge. The first time I attempted it (and completed), I was writing through Thanksgiving.

 Maybe I'll impose a challenge upon myself in the summer to write another novel.

I encourage everyone to check out NaNoWriMo next year. It's a lot of fun and if you complete it, you can say you wrote a novel.

Designing an Out Building (with Video)

I decided I need an out building, so of course I designed one. It's ten feet by twelve feet. I'm planning 2x6 wood joists, plywood floor, wood studs, wood joists, wood siding or something similar.

Then I made it into  a video. Enjoy.

Out Building Time Lapse Video
 Out Building Time Lapse Video

Monday, December 2, 2013

I Made a Four Foot Tall DVD Costume

Who hasn't thought, 'Hey, I need a four foot tall DVD case costume. What do I do?'
Wonder no longer, today I take you step by step.  through the process.