Short Stories


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Writing a Novel in November


That's National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words during the month.  That's approximately 175 pages, writing 2,000 words a day.

There are people who write novels and those who talk about it.

I'm a person who wrote a novel. I was surprised to discover that was back in 2009.. Has it really been that long?  That was back when I actually wrote often, I don't write much now and when I do write, I hardly ever finish.

But that's about to change as I embark on a novel next month. When I did it before I finished the novel I had envisioned after 12k words. That's just a few short of the goal for those keeping track.

I did eventually manage to hit the 50k mark.  I've never so much as glanced at the novel as my instincts tell me it's not good.  If I never look at it, I'll never know for sure. It's better not to know. It was an amazing process, struggling to reach the daily count, the triumph of hitting the mark late at night. I felt like most of the time what I was writing was complete rubbish, but there were brief shimmers of hope interspersed.

Be someone who writes that novel! Or follow me as I write my second novel.

And since I'm not going to leave you without an image, here's the preliminary cover of this years novel. I don't have a title yet, but with an image like that, it's got to be good!

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