Short Stories


Monday, September 9, 2013

Graphic Design: Bright Leaf Brew Fest Poster

This contest was to design a poster for the Bright Leaf Brew Fest. It's a beer convention. I immediately had two ideas.  One was more diagrammatic, communicating community, celebration, and enjoyment.The second idea depicts the victory of a beer after a long day.

My entry 'Victory Beer' garnered first place, and 'Cheers!' tied for third. I will receive a cash prize, event tickets, and my entry will be used to promote the event

Victory Beer

Building Blocks of Beer

I set to work gathering beer mug images so I would have some good references as  I set about drawing the logo. I use a Wacom Tablet, which is a great device. I've been immensely pleased with it.

With the first design 'Cheers!' I wanted to convey the spirit of the event while including different shades of beer. Beer is all inclusive.

My second entry, 'Victory Beer' was a silhouette really touting the power of beer, so to speak.  I wanted it to look like a painted, aged pub sign, something you'd see hanging up that's been there for decades. The tobacco leaves incorporate the name of the event and convey the power of beer. Easily my favorite entry.

The 'Building Blocks of Beer' is a minimalist pixel art design. The farther back, the less pixelated the image becomes. It's the most basic form of beer- a full mug, using a basic art design.

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