Short Stories


Monday, July 15, 2013

Wood Work

A brief history of how my wood working hobby has developed. Don't worry, there are many pictures.

My first project was raising a wall cabinet three inches so that the refrigerator would fit.  I also had to shorten the doors.

The doors had a groove pattern I was even able to match. You could never tell I changed the cabinets now. The funny thing is, I tried to match the groove in a different set of doors a few years later and couldn't remember how I did it.

The next project was a trash receptacle.  It had a groove pattern to match the cabinets, and a lot of routing.  The top lifts off, and when on, keeps the edges of the bag in place.

I kept building, and accumulating tools to accomplish new techniques. The pictures below are a few of the highlights in chronological order, mostly. If I had taken more pictures of my projects, I would have included them.

An airplane shelf.
A baseball shelf.
A fun project, as not one of the surfaces was square with any other surface.
Honey-comb shelf.
Sofa Table. I built this completely out of pieces I had lying around.
All wood is sourced from 2x4's. All tile is scrap.
And then I built another. Why stop at one?
A rocket cut-out. All the lines between colors were groove routed.
My biggest project by far - a built in window seat and book case.
Crown molding, a vent, and baseboard have since been added.
Not to mention, the ugly carpet was replaced.
I've got quite a few projects in varying stages of unfinished. I hope to complete them soon.

Thanks for looking!

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