Short Stories


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Parody Video - Another GPS Commercial

As a follow up to the previous post, here is another GPS parody commercial. Why make one video when you can make two at twice the time. Get your new GPS today!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Parody Video - GPS Commercial

If you've ever used a GPS, you've been annoyed with a GPS device. This video captures the frustration encountered, humorously.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Video Editing: Split Screen Initiative

I'm finally getting back to making videos. The production schedule is aggressive, so be on the lookout for videos. Today, I'm going to cover split screen compositing.
I used one actor for three different roles. While more time should have been spent on pre-production and planning, the concepts are helpful regardless. The split screen idea was developed on the fly, use my advice to perfect your process.

One actor, three parts. The power of split screen.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Poster Design: Brewfest

This contest was to design a poster for the Bright Leaf Brew Fest. I entered last year winning first and third place. Here are my entries from last year.

My first idea was a heads up view of a bar. I wanted something futuristic looking. I ended up doing a '80s style pub and a more traditional pub. When I started drawing the pub it started out looking more traditional. I liked both, so I finished and entered both.
Futuristic pub.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Design Contest - Hardware

Every year Mockett holds a design competition for hardware and architectural components.
This year was the first year I managed to actually submit. Below are the components I submitted for entry. Winners should be announced in December.

The first design is a metal shelf bracket with a cotter pin that allows for differing shelf depths.